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School Teacher



You are:

  • A middle or high school teacher based anywhere in Africa.

  • Interested in bringing robotics education to your students either as part of your core curriculum or as an after-school activity 

  • Able to demonstrate support from your school administrators

  • Connected to a stable or relatively stable internet connection

  • Computer-literate and have access to and can use a computer 


We'll match you to one of our vetted robotics mentors, give you access to robotics equipment and online learning modules and help facilitate an in-person workshop.


Mentor Matching

We match you to one of our robotics mentors.  They will be your guide for everything robotics as you participate in our 6-month program.  If you have any questions during the program about anything you are learning, you can ask them or us.  Someone will always be available to support you.  Mentors pay for your online training materials and equipment and dedicate their time to you for free, so we only ask that you respect their investment in your education.


Online Education

Once registered and matched, you will get access to a 6-month subscription to The Robotics Course (TRC), where you will learn the A to Z of Robotics, including how to bring robotics into your classrooms and, if you choose, how to start your own competitive robotics team at your school.  You will receive a robotics kit once you are matched.  This robotics kit will be used to help you understand all the parts of a robot and to build a demo robot that you will learn how to program.


In-person Workshops

Some of our mentors may choose to facilitate 3-day in-person workshops.  If a workshop is available in your area, you will be notified.  Participation in the workshop is free, but it is expected that teachers attend all 3 days of the workshop to get maximum benefit.  


Teachers have currently signed up from all of the countries listed below.  If your country isn't listed below, it means that you can be the first one trained in your country.  Once you've registered, we will add your country to the list.



Contact Us/Sign Up

Contact Us

For any inquiries, questions or comments, please use the Chat feature at the bottom right-hand corner of this page, email us at or fill out the following form:

I am:

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For any inquiries, questions or comments, please use the Chat feature at the bottom right-hand corner of this page, email us at or fill out the following form if you are potential mentor that just needs more information, a teacher that wants to sign up or a potential partner:

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